A Study of Studies

HOCHBAUM-we-exacted-the-methodA Study of Studies is a one of a kind exhibition. You will not see perfectly finished artworks there, hanging on the walls there will be the studies, unfinished pearls, trembling work in progress, future stars. My friends David Hochbaum and Mimi S are part of this show at The Outsiders gallery in London. It opens today, May 31st

(And click their names to see their amazing finished artworks)

A Study of Studies è uno show particolare, alle pareti della galleria londinese The Outsiders ci saranno non opere finite e rifinite, bensì studi, perle incompiute, lavori tremanti e future stelle. I miei amici David Hochbaum e Mimi S. faranno parte di questo peculiare show, che inaugura oggi, venerdì 31 maggio.

(Cliccate i loro nomi per vedere i loro meravigliosi lavori finiti)

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