170 gallerie globali, oltre 1000 artisti, progetti ed eventi off. Tutto questo è la Frieze Art Fair, il più grande evento legato all'Arte contemporanea dopo Art Basel.
Visit Frieze London in October and take part in the contemporary art
event of the year. Celebrating its tenth edition, the fair presents over
170 of the most interesting galleries working today from Berlin to New
York and London to Tokyo.
In addition to being able to see and buy art by over 1,000 of the
world’s leading artists, visitors can experience Frieze Projects, the
fair’s unique and critically acclaimed programme of artist commissions
and Frieze Talks, a prestigious programme of debates, panel discussions
and keynote lectures.
Frieze London is designed by architects Carmody Groarke and housed
in a bespoke structure in Regent’s Park. Located in the heart of London,
it is within easy walking distance of the city’s West End.

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