WALLS & FRAMES: Fine Art from the Streets . London and Berlin Release Parties

LONDONPictures on Walls
Thursday 8th December . From 6 to 9 pm
46-48 Commercial Street . London E1 6LT

BERLINGestalten Space
Thursday 15th December . From 6 to 9 pm
Sophie-Gips-Höfe, Sophienstraße 21, Berlin

To celebrate the release of Walls and Frames, the artists featured in the book have created original handmade book sleeves for the publication, which will be available for sale both at the London and Berlin events for 430£ and 500€ respectively (Book copies included).

The author and some of the artists will be present during these launch parties to happily sign regular copies of Walls and Frames sold at a lower price specially for the occasion.

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