Arabic Graffiti
In the light of the Arab revolutions that currently bring sweeping changes to the Middle East, this amazing book keeps an eye on the fascinating developments of graffiti and urban art in this region.
'Arabic Graffiti' is an extensive and valuable reference that showcases the use of Arabic script in a contemporary, urban context.
It brings together artists, graffiti writers, designers, and typographers from the Middle East and around the world who merge Arabic calligraphy with the art of graffiti writing, street art and urban culture.
In addition to a rich assortment of photos featuring Arabic graffiti and street art styles, the book includes essays by distinguished authors and scene experts that explore the traditional elements, modern approaches, and the socio-political and cultural backgrounds which have shaped Arabic graffiti movements in the Middle East.
With contributions and essays by: Huda Smitshuijzen AbiFarès, Rana Jarbou, Tala F. Saleh, Houda Kassatly and William Parry.
Includes the artwork and thoughts of: Hassan Massoudy, Malik Anas Al-Rajab, eL Seed, Hest1, Julien Breton, L'ATLAS, Aerosol Arabic, Native & ZenTwO, Zepha aka Vincent Abadie Hafez, Siska, Typism, Akut and many more.
Arabic Graffiti By Pascal Zoghbi & Stone
format: 28,5 x 21cm, 200 full color pages
photographs: 325 photos & illustrations
English edition
ISBN Hardcover: 978-3-937946-26-9
Price Hardcover: 24,95 €

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