DELUSIONAL: the story of the JonathanLeVine Gallery

LeVine began his career in the arts publishing a fanzine in the 1980s and then curating shows at diverse venues in the 90s.
By the turn of the millennium, LeVine had opened up Tin Man Alley, his own gallery located in New Hope, and then Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
The Jonathan LeVine Gallery was officially launched in New York City in 2005.
Since then, LeVine has brought his considerable talents to bear, focusing on work influenced by illustration, comic books, graffiti, street art and pop culture imagery.
Levine’s featured artists tend to share a strong figurative and narrative inclination and include Doze Green, Shepard Fairey, Audrey Kawasaki, Gary Baseman, Camille Rose Garcia, Tara McPherson, Josh Agle (aka Shag) and a long list of other esteemed artists. Lavish illustrations throughout complete the package.

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