A new book, Bay Area Graffiti: '80s-'90s Early Bombing, focusing on graffiti before the San Francisco Bay Area dot-com invasion is set to release in the next upcoming weeks.
The book will feature interviews and photographs from numerous key players in the early scene.

Some of the writers included are Amaze, Benet, Meta, Reminisce, Revok, Twist, Bigfoot, Buter, Ceaver, Cycle, Cuba, Eskimo/Moz, Fate/Venem, Geso, Giant, Jocelyn Superstar, Juice, Kept/Red, Kr, Log, Mize, Mes, Mq, Mr. Left, Pesk/Fword, Pez, Puzl, Renos, Safari, Skert, Spie, Teacher/Gift, UB40, Veks, Vegan, Ver, and Wart.

There is also a ten-page feature on Tie/Seo containing interviews with a number of his friends. We just got to check out an advance copy and we suggest a copy for any graffiti enthusiast.

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